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We travel often, and I am a serious-amateur photographer, taking many photos on every trip, both in the US and in Europe. One of my criteria is that the camera must be one I can carry in my pants or jacket pocket so it's always ready, but still high quality enough to take excellent photos and videos, be versatile, and have a processor that allows me to take good shots without a flash in places such as museums, cathedrals, castles, and other interior sites. Most of cameras have been Canons, and they have performed well.
Based on reviews in camera mags, I bought the Canon SX260 this fall, as I thought its amazing 20x optical zoom, new processor, stabilizer, and wide angle lens would make it ideal for travel photos. At only $270 from Amazon, it was well below the big SLRs and other cameras I saw advertised, but would still be in-the-pocket ready.
We have just returned from a two-week tour of Scotland- lots of lakes (lochs), the highlands, historic sites - a real test for any camera. In every respect, the Canon 260 lived up to its claims, and, in my opinion, may be the best camera for travelers on the market.
The 20x zoom, over and over, allowed my to get shots of scenery, people, castle and cathedral interiors that would have been impossible before. The amazing processor "gathered" light in even very dim places,so I never had to use a flash once; I turned in off on the first day of the tour and never needed it for two weeks! And - a small but appreciated detail -- in every Canon before, if you turned the flash off for a shot, the next time you turned on the camera, it defaulted to flash on, making you turn it off over and over. With the 260, if you turn it off, it stays off until you change it - a big time saver. I was even able to take night shots of the lights and harbor at Oban- no flash, handheld and stabilized. The improved video controls on the back make that job easier as well.
Although a bit larger by about 1/4" and a bit heavier by about 1 1/2oz, it is still easily an in-the-pocket, ready to go camera for any trip or occasion.
In short, I 100% recommend this new Canon, for travel or otherwise,
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