Nikon 10 5mm 2 8G Fisheye Nikkor

I could go on an on about how great this lens is. Yes, at 10.5mm and 180 degrees of coverage, it is amazing. What I want to expand on is the many other uses of a fish-eye that might not be so obvious. The cartoon-ish pictures are fun at first, but that gets old fast. This lens does not get old fast.
The other side of this lens is the amazing way you can pull a lot of information into a small space. When someone notices what lens you used, it takes away from the other thoughts of your picture. Some of the greatest uses for a fish-eye are in close quarters, such as a skate park. The standard 10-24 mm Nikon lens, another that I have, is very useful, but it can't pull as much information into the picture as the fish-eye. One cool effect I've gotten is to take a close-up, then crop the image to bring the subject even closer. If you use Nikon's Capture NX2, you can take the bend out of the fisheye, I also believe that you can do the same with one of the Adobe products. So there are times you will want a fish-eye, and when you do, this Nikkor 10.5 fish-eye is bright, and beautiful. It fills your frame, there are no cut off corners like some of the fish-eyes that are described as circular. There are some lens that you begin to regret soon after you use them, not this one, it's a keeper. Explore all the possibilities with this Fish-eye, you will be glad that you have it. It does not take the place of a standard wide angle lens.
Also note that the 10.5 fisheye pulls in more information than a standard 10.5 wide angle lens, so when you use software to take the bend out, you have a picture that is near normal and wider than what a standard 10.5 mm wide angle lens can achieve. also note that you do not have to buy extra software to get stunning pictures with this lens, some will be fine the way they are, and others will be easily cropped into perfection.
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Nikon 10 5mm 2 8G Fisheye Nikkor Now!