Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

does the job

Fotodiox 10 Reverse Canon 55 Macro Reverse Adapter

Fotodiox 10 Reverse Canon 55 Macro Reverse Adapter

This is well constructed, and has given me excellent results, but those new or even somewhat experienced should carefully consider using this product, as improper use could result in permanent damage to your camera, lenses, or both. With that said, I have achieved amazing results. Be sure to screw the adapter on carefully and make sure you don't cross-thread it with your filter threads. Then carefully remove the body cap from your camera, and attack the adapter-mounted lens quickly to avoid getting dust inside the body of your camera. I would highly recommend purchasing some old fully manual lenses from 35mm non-digital SLR cameras to use with this product, to preserve aperture control (you obviously don't get a connection between your camera and your lens with this adapter, so you can't use automatic aperture settings, though there are some (non-recommended) ways to trick your camera/lens. So long as the user is experienced, and uses the adapter properly, this item is an excellent way to take macro photographs on a tight budget, while maintaining image integrity.

Get your Fotodiox 10 Reverse Canon 55 Macro Reverse Adapter Now!

3 komentar:

  1. Marcella Mccormick10 Oktober 2010 pukul 12.32

    This is well constructed, and has given me excellent results, but those new or even somewhat experienced should carefully consider using this product, as improper use could result in permanent damage to your camera, lenses, or both. With that said, I have achieved amazing results. Be sure to screw the adapter on carefully and make sure you don't cross-thread it with your filter threads. Then carefully remove the body cap from your camera, and attack the adapter-mounted lens quickly to avoid getting dust inside the body of your camera. I would highly recommend purchasing some old fully manual lenses from 35mm non-digital SLR cameras to use with this product, to preserve aperture control (you obviously don't get a connection between your camera and your lens with this adapter, so you can't use automatic aperture settings, though there are some (non-recommended) ways to trick your camera/lens. So long as the user is experienced, and uses the adapter properly, this item is an excellent way to take macro photographs on a tight budget, while maintaining image integrity.

  2. I was able to turn and old discontinue wide angle lens, into a super macro lens. I recommend this adapter to someone who is looking for a quick and low price way to get into Macro photography.
