Kamis, 08 September 2011

If you love New York...

American Experience New York Season

American Experience New York Season

Born and raised in the Big Apple, I originally rented this series which I had not seen before. I was enchanted and discovered so much about the city I loved and yet that I never knew. I had to have my own copy. Ric Burns did a wonderful job,(as usual) with just enough fact to explain situations yet tempting enough to urge you to seek more. I was also pleased that an 8th disk covering 9/11 had been added since that wound pierced the heart of anyone who loves New York.I shared some disks with friends ( also New Yorkers) over Thanksgiving and it was universally agreed we would get together again and often to see it over and over. Thanks to all whose efforts combined to bring to life the city: its evils and humanity, its sorrows and elations, its great triumphs and ridiculous mistakes, its often unbelievable past and the great hope for its future.

Get your American Experience New York Season Now!

8 komentar:

  1. Hi, I'm from Brazil and I'm thinking about going on a J1 program for a work experience in NY city. But first I need to know what are my chances to get a job there. I've taken this program in Colorado two years ago, and it was perfect! I worked at Loveland Ski area and made enough money to pay for housing and food. Now I'm thinking about going somewhere else. For those not familiar with the J1 program: Its a program offered to university undergraduate students from foreign cultures to come work in USA during our summer vacation - your winter season - for a 3 to 4 month period. We work on a regular position just to experience the american way of life and exchange our cultural experiences. So, could you tell me how hard is it to get a job around Manhattan? I heard its not as easy as in Colorado...is it true? Thanks!

  2. I remember the episode it was, it was Real Me. The second episode of the 4th season. I remember her saying the her vargina was depressed. I want to know if it is real thing, cuz I think I may have the same symptoms.

  3. Theres a reason for its definition. Not that its a long hotter summer. I'll remember when I hear the right answer.

  4. Im interested to know how US americans see the differences among people of different states. Is there a real difference or are the people the same in all the states

  5. I was watching a movie but i cant seem to find it....so the movie was called twisters,its about tornados in new york and at the end they launch something into the sky at a certain altitude to disperse it....what was it and what altitude?and also is there a way to use chemicals to disperse greenhouse gasses?

  6. How do you get a job at a hotel at the front desk? Any tips and pointers will help!

  7. I want to know some cool stuff about Bill Cosby or just some facts about him.

  8. If you have read "Bread Givers", I'm wondering how a working-class immigrant family experience living in tenement houses in New York would differ from a white working-class family experience around 1910.
