Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Kenko dg auto tubes

Kenko Extension Tubes Digital Cameras

Kenko Extension Tubes Digital Cameras

When I opened this packaging, I was pleasantly surprised that this product is well built and feels a good match for Nikon cameras. The auto focus is a little slow, but works. I found it is better to press the shutter half-way only once before taking the picture. Otherwise, the focus may start changing a little bit. I was not able to compare this product to one from Zeikos myself (costs half the price), but after reading some reviews and YouTube videos was not assured that the Zeikos product is as good and decided to pay more and get a "reputable" product. If it matters to you, it says "Made in Japan" in a conspicious way. By the way, if you want to get into a macro photography with only about $10 investment, an adapter from Photodiox to mount a lens (such as a low-cost prime Nikon 50 mm F/1.8) in reverse and using manual focus, exposure and f-stop would work fine. You will get crisp pictures, but the field of view will be very narrow.

Get your Kenko Extension Tubes Digital Cameras Now!

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