Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Perfect for a micro 4/3 camera + lenses and accessories

OP TECH USA Accessory Pack

OP TECH USA Accessory Pack

Wit seems to be rare these days. I can only seem to find it occasionally in the infrequent fight people have with each other. But you never seem to find many people anymore that just have wit, and use it often as such. But I believe Shel Silverstein is one of those people. Most people have probably read his books- he writes many poems for young children but I've discovered that now as I read them when I'm older I see so much more in them and appreciate them even more than I did. His poems are highly respected and show kids that poems can make sense and be fun- not so confusing and deep all the time.

I for one am not an expert poet but I have written a few poems and I do realize that it is difficult to write a true, quality poem. Shel Silverstein writes amazing poems that are silly, but deep at the same time and are truly of quality. His poems are like the other side of the moon. They show a completely different way of thinking of things and looking at life. You read a poem and you sit back and think to yourself, "huh... that is truly brilliant," and so it is. On the surface, they are silly and funny, but underneath they are brimming with meaning and thought. How rare and ingenious that is.

I want to read many more of his books, they are truly inspiring to me. They are all a reminder not to look through life in the same lens you always do, which I think is a good reminder for all of us.

Get your OP TECH USA Accessory Pack Now!

2 komentar:

  1. I'm able to fit my E-P3 with kit lens attached in a stand-up position, a few m43 lenses (9-18mm, 14mm, 20mm, 45mm), a Wasabi battery charger, 2 extra batteries, an external viewfinder, lens cleaning paper/liquid, a few lens hoods, caps, filters, chords, etc. All items can be laid out to your own design by virtue of the supplied velcro dividers making it very easy for retrieval and storage or inspection by airport security.

  2. I use this to hold my GoPro and all its accessories. Works well and keeps everything safe and secure during travel.
