Senin, 12 Desember 2011

It did the job perfectly

LawMate Button Covert Camera CMD BU13

LawMate Button Covert Camera CMD BU13

I bought this to go with my LawMate PV-500 HD EVO DVR. Both the camera and the recording unit are fully digital, and the quality is exceptional. Far better than I was expecting, and at full HD resolution. This is the perfect covert camera. You would have no idea that there is a camera behind the button. Even up close, you just couldn't tell. I was expecting a lot of distortion with the image, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well it performed. I'll post a sample to YouTube when I have time.

One of the things I love about this camera is that it is has a nice wide angle lens. Not too wide that you are going to see distortion, but wide enough that you don't need to worry about aiming it. Just point the button in roughly the direction that you need, and you are good.

The camera comes with a number of different button sizes and colors so you can find one that matches your needs. You can of course unscrew the button from the camera. With the button on, there is some vignetting around the corners of the image -- from the button holes -- but that cannot be helped, and it isn't that noticeable.

Summary. I was really surprised at how well this worked!

Get your LawMate Button Covert Camera CMD BU13 Now!

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