Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Godless Americana

Godless Americana Race Religious Rebels

Godless Americana Race Religious Rebels

Sikivu's Americana will have you musing at the space contemporary cultural characters like Honey Boo Boo occupy and in the next breathe, have you ponder the true intentions and operative strategies of political heavy weights such as Newt Gingrich.

Godless Americana is a thoughtful and beautifully written book on the broader cultural climate people of color live in. It is also, at the same time, the lens from which people of color see through. This book is the articulation of complicated daily negotiations and all too common clashes/ indignities people of color are subject to as citizens that are pathologized and marginalized by a dominate culture. Sikivu's book premieres on the heels of a sixteen year-old African-American girl who has been charged with two felonies for conducting science experiments where no one was hurt and no property damage occurred.

Sikivu: Thank you for taking the time to include the often overlooked experiences of Latinos in United States. I really appreciated the connections you illustrate between Black and Brown communities.

Get your Godless Americana Race Religious Rebels Now!

3 komentar:

  1. Sikivu's Americana will have you musing at the space contemporary cultural characters like Honey Boo Boo occupy and in the next breathe, have you ponder the true intentions and operative strategies of political heavy weights such as Newt Gingrich.

    Godless Americana is a thoughtful and beautifully written book on the broader cultural climate people of color live in. It is also, at the same time, the lens from which people of color see through. This book is the articulation of complicated daily negotiations and all too common clashes/ indignities people of color are subject to as citizens that are pathologized and marginalized by a dominate culture. Sikivu's book premieres on the heels of a sixteen year-old African-American girl who has been charged with two felonies for conducting science experiments where no one was hurt and no property damage occurred.

    Sikivu: Thank you for taking the time to include the often overlooked experiences of Latinos in United States. I really appreciated the connections you illustrate between Black and Brown communities.

  2. Godless Americana is definitely a MUST READ!

    Dr. Sikivu Hutchinson is masterful at presenting the facts, precept upon precept, of secular social justice, white supremacy, patriarchy, heterosexism, capitalism, economic injustice, and global imperialism.

    Dr. Hutchinson expertly dissects the dismantling of the American public education system, the school to prison piepline, and the failure of charter schools. Dr. Hutchinson's Women's Leadership Project (WLP) is a fine example of feminist civic engagement and mentoring that was typically not afforded to young women of color.

    American fascism, exceptionalism and xenophobia is challenged directly with no apologies. While many shirk from addressing these issues, Dr. Hutchinson relentlessly gives us examples of the impact of these institutionalized policies that have been put in place. She gives hard facts about how the Federal Housing Authority (FHA), GI Bill, and Public Policy directly affected people of color to create and perpetuate our current wealth gap.

    Dr. Hutchinson's and Black Skeptics Los Angeles dedication to youth of color is admirable. The "First in the Family" scholarship for undocumented, LGBTQ, homeless, and foster care youth is geared toward students of under served and underrepresented students. The motivation behind this scholarship program is discussed in detail.

    Godless Americana directly complements "Moral Combat," Dr. Hutchinson's other brilliantly written book discussing black atheists and gender politics. They are both truly 'must reads' and I implore you to purchase them.
